
中国毒理学会  |   2020-02-24 00:00














Dear President/Chair of IUTOX, ASIATOX, SOT, JSOT, KSOT, BTS, GT, SFT, FST

You may probably aware that Chinese people is currently fighting against Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-2019). Since the outbreak of COVID-19, the Chinese government, under the leadership of President Xi Jinping, has taken the most comprehensive and effective measures to control this epidemic, and to reduce the impact on the economy and on the daily life of the people. These include the unified organization of medical personnel and medical resources across the country to treat patients as much as possible; the efforts of multi-sectoral and cross-disciplinary scientists to carry out emergency medical research; the strict measures to reduce the movement of people throughout the country to cut off the transmission of diseases; and the coordination of relative manufactors and distributors to supply important living materials for residents. WHO officials, government and healthcare officials of many other countries are applauding China’s unprecedented and aggressive response, which shows that China is highly responsible, not only for the Chinese people’s health but also for the sake of global public safety. 

After more than one month of the whole nationa’s efforts to fight against the COVID-2019, the control measures and the hard works have achieved encouraging results, the epidemic situation has shown positive changeswith the number of infected patients decreased significantly in all the areas of the country, including Wuhan and Hubei Province. We have full confidence in our ability to prevail over the epidemic at an early date.

In this battle for epidemic prevention and control, under the leadership of the Chinese Society of Science and Technology, the Chinese Society of Toxicology(CST) has worked closely with relevant government agents, academic institutions and industries, by encouraging and mobilizing its members, to make contributions for epidemic control and disease treatment. The members of CST has extensively and actively participated in government decision-making consultation, scientific research projects and public education. The CST members have made positive contributions in research and development of diagnostic reagents and new drugs, re-evaluation of clinical drugs, epidemic investigation, formulating clinical treatment regimens, making disinfection guidance, and psychological counseling.

We all know that the epidemic disease has no borders. Time-effetely control of COVID-2019 is a common goal of the international community. Stronger international cooperation is needed to jointly tackle this challenge. Thanks for your attention and support. We will remain in close communication and coordination with you and other member societies and will be open to any suggestions. We would also like to strengthen cooperation in epidemic control to jointly protect lives and health of our peoples and uphold global public health security. 


We believe that it won't be long before we can take off our masks and warmly welcome friends from all over the world to come to China!

With best regards

Sincerely yours,

Ping-Kun Zhou 

President of the Chinese Society of Toxicology (CST)

February 22, 2020 







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