IEEE PEAC'2018 精彩抢先看 | 专题讲座介绍(七)

中国电源学会  |   2018-09-28 01:02

往期精选:第二届国际电力电子技术与应用会议暨展示会 (IEEE PEAC 2018)报名通知

IEEE PEAC 2018 简介

2018国际电力电子技术及应用会议暨展示会(2018 IEEE International Power Electronics and Application Conference and Exposition,简称:IEEE PEAC 2018)将于2018年11月4-7日在深圳召开,会议将通过特邀大会报告、专题讲座、技术报告、工业报告、墙报、新产品展示等形式,汇聚国际一流的电力电子学术、研发和产业界人士,就国际最新学术和技术问题进行专题研讨和交流。会议录用来自31个国家和地区的论文超过500篇,预计参会规模650人以上


会议内容丰富、环节紧密,为使参会者对会议有详细的了解,我们将对于会议的各个环节陆续进行介绍。本期介绍内容为:专题讲座-Design-Oriented Stability Analysis and Control of Power Converters in Weak Grids。



Design-Oriented Stability Analysis and Control of Power Converters in Weak Grids

Xiongfei Wang, Aalborg University

Dongsheng Yang, Aalborg University


The tutorial will begin with the small-signal modeling of grid-connected converters by considering the impacts of different control loops, e.g. the current control, the phase-locked loop (PLL), the dc- link voltage (active power) control, and the reactive power control. The adequacies of using single- input single-output (SISO) and multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) models for characterizing the different timescale dynamics of converters will be explicitly discussed.

Then, the stability of the current control with LCL-filters will be analyzed based on the impedance models, where the effect of the time delay, induced by the digital control and modulation, will be elaborated. This is followed by a critical review of the active damping techniques, which are based on the feedback of filter variables, and a design example of the feedback-type active damping.

Next, the dynamic effects of PLL and the dc-link voltage control loop will be discussed, where the frequency-coupling mechanism introduced by the asymmetrical dq-frame control dynamics will be illustrated. The presence of negative resistance and its dependence on the converter operating point will be explicitly explained.

Lastly, the damping control schemes for addressing the destabilizing effects of PLL and the dc-link voltage control, e.g. the unified power-synchronization control, will be presented. The ultra-weak grid condition with a very low short-circuit ratio (SCR), i.e. SCR<2, will be considered.


Xiongfei Wang (SM’17) is currently an Associate Professor and the Leader of Research Program on Electronic Power Grid Infrastructure in the Department of Energy Technology, Aalborg University, Denmark. His research interests include modeling and control of power electronic converters, harmonics analysis and control, stability of power electronic based power systems. He received the PhD degree in energy technology from Aalborg University, Denmark, in 2013. Since 2017, he has been with ABB FACTS, Vasteras, Sweden, as an external consultant. He has been the tutorial instructor at a number of IEEE conferences (APEC, ECCE, PEDG, EPE, and ICHQP), and the lecture of an Industrial/PhD course on “Stability and Control of Grid-Connected Voltage-Source Converters” at Aalborg University.

Dr. Wang has published over 50 IEEE journal papers on the stability and control of grid-connected power electronics systems, including 11 ESI highly cited papers in the Web of Science. In 2016, he was selected into Aalborg University Strategic Talent Management Program for the next-generation research leaders (the only one in the power electronics field). He received 4 IEEE Prize Paper awards, the outstanding reviewer award of IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics in 2017, and the Richard M. Bass Outstanding Young Power Electronics Engineer Award from IEEE Power Electronics Society (PELS) in 2018. He is the Associate Editor for the IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, the IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, and the IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics, and the Guest Editor on Special Issue: “Grid-Connected Power Electronics Systems: Stability, Power Quality, and Protection” in the IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications. He is also the Leader of Technical Thrust on Modeling of Grid-Interactive Converters at IEEE PELS, and the Technical Program Chair for the IEEE eT&D 2017.


Dongsheng Yang (S’13–M’17) was born in Jiangsu Province, China, in 1984. He received the B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Nanjing, China, in 2008, 2011, and 2016, respectively. Since 2016, he has been with Aalborg University, Aalborg, Denmark, where he is currently a Postdoctoral Researcher in the Department of Energy Technology. His main research interests include design and control of grid-connected inverters, harmonic analysis and mitigation in power-electronic-based power systems, and online impedance measurement techniques.






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来源:CPSSQQ 中国电源学会





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