The 8th National Congressof Toxicology Chinese Society of Toxicology (CSOT-VIII)

中国毒理学会  |   2017-01-19 09:34

The 8th National Congress ofToxicology (COST-VIII) will be held in Jinan, Shandong Province, on October15-18, 2017. The congress is organized by Chinese Society of Toxicology (CSOT),and co-hosted by Shandong Academy of Medical Sciences and Shandong Society ofToxicology.
CSOT is the only national professional association in toxicology in China, andone of the member societies of China Association for Science and Technology(CAST). CSOT is also a member of International Union of Toxicology (IUTOX) andAsian Society of Toxicology (ASIATOX). Presently, there are 26 SpecialtySections (“Committees”), with more than 15000 individual members. The NationalCongress of Toxicology organized by CSOT is the largest conference in Toxicologyand related fields in China, and were held once in every four years prior to2013 and every two years since. The previous congress were held in diffidentpart of China, the 1st congress was held in Beijing in 1993, 2nd inXi-an in 1997, 3rd in Nanjing (2001), 4th in Shenyang(2005), 5th in Guiyang (2009), 6th in Guangzhou (2013) andthe 7th in Wuhan in 2015.
CSOT-VIII in 2017 is once again a pageant to gather the Chinese toxicologistsafter the Wuhan congress in 2015. We have invited some distinguishedtoxicologists at home and abroad to give innovative presentations on up-to-datetheories, research developments and technologies covering the broad area oftoxicology at the congress. The congress will provide an excellent platform toexchange scientific research results among experts, scholars, and youngscientists and students who are engaged in the toxicology and related fields ofscientific research, education, regulatory and management, and industries. Wewould like to express our sincere greetings and cordially invitation to yoursubmission and participation. An exhibition of scientific products, reagents,equipments /apparatus will also be held during the period of COST-VIII, and allparticipants will be invited to visit.
During the congress, the National Representatives Assembly will be held, and 7thCSOT council and the new leading will be elected by the member representatives .

Theme of COST-VIII
Improving Human Health and Environment Safety by Innovations inToxicology

Scientific Areas
The academic activities include keynote lectures, plenary lectures,symposia and workshops, and poster presentations. The Outstanding Youth PaperAwards (including Outstanding Poster Paper Awards) will be given in theconference with certificates and rewards.

T01. Clinical Toxicology, Emergence andPoisoning Treatment  T02. Environmental and EcologicalToxicology
T03. Drug Toxicology and SafetyEvaluation T04. Food Toxicology and RiskAssessment
T05. Radiation Toxicology and RadiationEmergence T06. Industrial Toxicology andOccupational Health
T07. Neurotoxicology and DrugDependence T08. Pesticides, Cosmetics and NewChemicals Toxicology
T09. Nanotoxicology and New MaterialToxicology T10. Biotoxin Toxicology
T11. Feed Toxicology and VeterinaryToxicology T12. Target Toxicology
T13. Reproductive & DevelopmentalToxicology T14. Genetic Toxicology andCarcinogenesis
T15. System Toxicology and Biomarkers T16. Toxicant metabolism andToxicokenetics
T17. Toxicology Alternatives andTranslational Toxicology T18. Toxicity Pathway and MolecularMechanisms
T19. Analytical Toxicology andComputational Toxicology T20. Toxicological Pathology
T21. Others  

Calling for Abstracts
Abstracts related to Toxicology and related fields will be collected.Please submit your abstract via the meeting system at CSOT website (
The Abstract Submission Due Date: August 15, 2017.

Registration and Abstract submission
For registration, abstract submission and more information, please visitthe website of

Contact information of the Conference
If you have any inquires or comments, or need any assistance, pleasecontact,
Tel: 8610-66932387, 8610-68187038




