npj: 量子拓扑的识别—深度神经网络和量子行走

知社学术圈  |   2019-11-26 12:13




来自澳大利亚悉尼大学工程量子系统中心的Wei-Wei Zhang教授领导的团队,利用粒子在系统哈密顿量驱动下演化过程中形成的粒子密度分布,证明了具有外部存储功能的新型DNN能够识别具有自旋轨道耦合的二维晶格模型中的拓扑相和相变。该方法识别精度高达97.4%,对输入数据具有较强的鲁棒性。虽然该模型仅使用特定二维自旋轨道晶格哈密顿量的数据进行训练,但它能够对扰动模型的相位进行高精度地分类,而不需要任何关于扰动的细节。因此,与DNN结合的量子行走是一种强大而通用的工具,可有效地发现和分析新的拓扑量子系统,从而设计出可靠的量子技术。

该文近期发表于npj Computational Materials 5: 88 (2019),英文标题与摘要如下,点击左下角“阅读原文”可以自由获取论文PDF。


Quantum topology identification with deep neural networks and quantum walks 

Yurui Ming, Chin-Teng Lin, Stephen D. Bartlett & Wei-Wei Zhang 

Topologically ordered materials may serve as a platform for new quantum technologies, such as fault-tolerant quantum computers. To fulfil this promise, efficient and general methods are needed to discover and classify new topological phases of matter. We demonstrate that deep neural networks augmented with external memory can use the density profiles formed in quantum walks to efficiently identify properties of a topological phase as well as phase transitions. On a trial topological ordered model, our method’s accuracy of topological phase identification reaches 97.4%, and is shown to be robust to noise on the data. Furthermore, we demonstrate that our trained DNN is able to identify topological phases of a perturbed model, and predict the corresponding shift of topological phase transitions without learning any information about the perturbations in advance. These results demonstrate that our approach is generally applicable and may be used to identify a variety of quantum topological materials.


来源:zhishexueshuquan 知社学术圈





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