【求学求职】新加坡国立大学博士 / 博后招聘

中国细胞生物学学会  |   2020-12-18 16:49



新加坡国立大学(NUS)生物化学,结构生物学方向(cryo-EM)招收博士生2名, 提供全额奖学金,2021年8月或者2022年1月入学,博士学业将在四年内完成。



Introduction of Luo lab in the Department of Biological Science, National U of Singapore (NUS)

We are a new lab at the Department of Biological Science, National University of Singapore (https://www.dbs.nus.edu.sg/staffs/luo-min/). Our laboratory studies molecular mechanisms of the protein machineries involve in nutrients uptake in pathogen and mitochondrial iron homeostasis regulation using a structural biology approach that combines cryo-EM with techniques from membrane protein biochemistry, biophysics and cell biology. We also develop and apply novel approaches for identification of new membrane protein complexes in mitochondria. In NUS, we offer a dynamic and supportive environment with access to state-of-the art facilities and also the conference travelling opportunities worldwide.

2 PhD Fellowship

Two highly motivated 4-year PhD students are welcome to join our lab. The candidates are expected to start either in Aug, 2021 or Jan 2022, and should finish their Phd within 4 years. Students with background in protein expression, purification, molecular cloning and structural biology will be ideal but not required. Both undergraduate and master students with enthusiasm in research and high scientific potential are welcome to apply, we are looking for the candidates with high motivation and ability to work in an collaborative, international and interdisciplinary environment. Training will be provided in cell biology, molecular biology, biochemistry, cryo-EM and associated functional studies for membrane proteins.

1-2 Postdoc Fellow positions

We are looking for 1-2 outstanding scientists who have strong background in Cell biology, Biochemistry or structural biology of membrane protein interactions, or equivalent area, to join our lab as Postdoc fellow. Ideal candidates will be highly motivated to learn membrane biology and single-particle cryo-EM too. Previous experience in electron physiology will be a plus.

Interested students please send you CV to Dr. Luo Min: dbslmin@nus.edu.sg


来源:CSCB-WeChat 细胞世界



