会议通知 | HKCPD Hub Virtual International Conference 2021

外语教学与研究出版社有限责任公司  |   2020-12-15 17:40


We are pleased to invite you to join the HKCPD Hub Virtual International Conference 2021 for English teaching professionals worldwide organized by 5 leading Hong Kong universities. It is an excellent professional development opportunity for English language educators, academics, researchers, teachers and curriculum designers in higher education to meet, network, discuss, learn from each other and explore opportunities for greater collaboration to encourage and sustain interactive communities of practice.

Theme: Innovative teaching and research in English Language Education

Pre-conference workshops: 6-7 January 2021

Main Conference: 8-10 January 2021

It's free of charge!

Conference Highlights:

·5 pre-conference workshops, 5 keynotes and a keynote speakers’ forum

·4 featured colloquia, 2 HKCPD Hub Community presentations (All live with interactive Q&As)

·100 live parallel presentations and 50 pre-recorded presentations with live discussion sessions in 5 strands

·Social events and the HKCPD Hub Conference get-together for all conference attendees

·Welcome and Opening Ceremony and Closing Ceremony

Please visit the conference website to check out schedule, the detailed programme and to register.

Conference Website:


We look forward to seeing you at The HKCPD Hub Virtual International Conference 2021.

Conference Organising Committee

Hong Kong Continuing Professional Development Hub (HKCPD Hub) for University English Teachers

来源:iresearching 外语学术科研网



