npj: 新型材料数据库—跟踪数百万材料实验和分析

知社学术圈  |   2019-08-23 12:05





来自美国加州理工学院人工光合作用联合中心的John M. Gregoire教授,开发了一种轻量级数据管理框架来解决管理和链接全然不同的合成和表征的实验数据所带来的挑战,并成功建立了材料实验和分析数据库(MEAD),其中包含了来自数百万种材料的合成实验和表征实验的原始数据和元数据,以及由附带的开源存储库中的软件进行数据分析和升华得到的属性数据和性能指标数据。MEAD为研究人员提供了数百万种材料的合成和材料表征信息,主要是光学和电化学特性信息。通过追踪数据处理中使用的算法,MEAD提供了完整的数据衍变谱系,因此用户可以探索原始数据及其派生属性的解释。Web搜索界面可使用嵌入式DOI检索数据,并下载所需的原始和/或分析数据集。数据和元数据管理旨在吸引快速发展的数据科学领域,为材料实验提供附加值,并促进材料科学中计算机辅助发现新材料的应用。

该文近期发表于npj Computational Materials 5: 79 (2019),英文标题与摘要如下,点击左下角“阅读原文”可以自由获取论文PDF。


Tracking materials science data lineage to manage millions of materials experiments and analyses

Edwin Soedarmadji, Helge S. Stein, Santosh K. Suram, Dan Guevarra & John M. Gregoire 

In an era of rapid advancement of algorithms that extract knowledge from data, data and metadata management are increasingly critical to research success. In materials science, there are few examples of experimental databases that contain many different types of information, and compared with other disciplines, the database sizes are relatively small. Underlying these issues are the challenges in managing and linking data across disparate synthesis and characterization experiments, which we address with the development of a lightweight data management framework that is generally applicable for experimental science and beyond. Five years of managing experiments with this system has yielded the Materials Experiment and Analysis Database (MEAD) that contains raw data and metadata from millions of materials synthesis and characterization experiments, as well as the analysis and distillation of that data into property and performance metrics via software in an accompanying open source repository. The unprecedented quantity and diversity of experimental data are searchable by experiment and analysis attributes generated by both researchers and data processing software. The search web interface allows users to visualize their search results and download zipped packages of data with full annotations of their lineage. The enormity of the data provides substantial challenges and opportunities for incorporating data science in the physical sciences, and MEAD’s data and algorithm management framework will foster increased incorporation of automation and autonomous discovery in materials and chemistry research. 


来源:zhishexueshuquan 知社学术圈





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