
中国复合材料学会  |   2019-03-16 03:20



  采用两步法合成了石墨烯改性的超疏水超亲油甲醛-三聚氰胺-亚硫酸氢钠(FMS)共聚物海绵,首先在原始海绵基质上进行石墨烯原位聚合,然后通过聚甲基苯基硅氧烷构筑超疏水结构。采用FT-IR、 SEM、TGA、光学接触角测量仪对海绵结构进行表征分析,结果表明石墨烯成功地修饰了原始海绵,制备出的共聚物海绵的接触角达158.9°。由此合成的共聚物海绵用于油水分离,经20次对机油吸附-解吸附测定后仍能保持稳定的超疏水性质。改性后的海绵具有良好的可重复利用性且对油和有机溶剂具有高度选择吸收性,对氯仿和机油的吸收量分别能达到自身质量的125和90倍,对油或有机溶剂的回收率达到87%以上。进一步对油或有机溶剂和水的分离进行了应用模拟,结果表明:改性后的海绵可以高效快速地将油或有机溶剂从水中分离出来,对于投入生产及吸附应用具有实际意义。


Abstract: Superhydrophobic and superoleophilic graphene/formaldehyde-melamine-sodium(FMS) bisulfite copolymer sponge was synthesized by a two-step method, first polymerize graphene on the sponge substrate, followed by surface modification with polymethylphenyl silicone (PMPS) to take advantage of its adhesion force in an effort to enhance the hydrophobicity of the sponge absorbent. The modified sponge was characterized by Fourier transform infrared spectra (FTIR), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), thermogravimetric (TGA) and water contact angle measurement. The results showed that the fabricated copolymer sponge is successfully embellished with graphene, with a water contact angle of 158.9° after functionalization. The modified sponge exhibited excellent oil-water and organic solvent-water separation with stable superhydrophobic properties maintained after 20 times of absorption-desorption engine oil. The sponge sorbent displayed a high sorption capacity with chloroform and engine oil for the modified sponge amounted to 125 and 90 times its own weight respectively. The sponge also can separate oil or organic solvent from water efficiently from simulated separation process. The sponge sorbent showed a recovery rate of greater than 87% for the absorption of oils and organic solvents tested. Further, the separation of oil or organic solvent was simulated, overall the newly developed GE/FMS sponge showed much better performance in terms of sorption capacity, recovery rate and reusability, which make the GE/FMS sponge a promising sorbent for potential applications in the separation and recovery of spilled oils from water.

Keywords: Superhydrophobic; Copolymer sponge; Graphene; Oil-water separation; Absorption

作者:魏倩等,绿色高分子工程与催化技术实验室 苏州大学材料与化学化工学部  苏州

通讯作者:潘勤敏,绿色高分子工程与催化技术实验室 苏州大学材料与化学化工学部  苏州



来源:CSCM_OFFICE 中国复合材料学会





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