
中国复合材料学会  |   2019-03-13 02:20




Abstract:  Epoxy resins are widely used as electronic packaging material with many excellent performances, however, the internal stress of epoxy resins induced in the curing process will bring about unfavorable influence on packaged products. Many experiments were carried out to research performance parameters of an epoxy resin used to electronic packaging, such as curing kinetics, density, thermal conductivity, glass transition temperature, elastic modulus, chemical shrinkage strain, thermal strain, etc. After that, mathematic models of these parameters in the curing process were established. Three-dimensional finite element model was established with Abaqus to simulate the temperature field, curing degree field, stress and strain field of the epoxy resin in the curing process. Sequentially coupled analysis was used to perform heat conduction analysis and stress-strain analysis successively in Abaqus. Finally, a FBG experiment was carried out to monitor the evolution of temperature and strain in the epoxy resin during the curing process. Comparison of the results between experiment and simulation demonstrates that the finite element model established in this paper is of high reliability.

Keywords:  electronic packaging; epoxy resin; curing process; finite element analysis; fiber Bragg grating。

作者:康峻铭,武汉理工大学 材料科学与工程学院,武汉

通讯作者:王继辉,武汉理工大学 材料科学与工程学院,武汉



来源:CSCM_OFFICE 中国复合材料学会





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