
中国复合材料学会  |   2019-01-19 02:20


 要:利用高长径比的纤维素纳米纤丝(CNF)与片层结构的氧化石墨烯(GO)形成的 CNF-GO复合水凝胶经抗坏血酸还原制备出CNF-还原氧化石墨烯(CNF-rGO)复合水凝胶材料。通过冷冻干燥法得到CNF-rGO复合气凝胶,并进一步通过苯胺单体在CNF-rGO复合气凝胶的孔道内的原位聚合制备出CNF-rGO/PANI气凝胶柔性电极复合材料。研究了不同苯胺、CNF和GO的质量比对所得CNF-rGO/PANI气凝胶柔性电极复合材料的结构形貌和电化学性能的影响。结果表明,苯胺原位聚合后所得CNF-rGO/PANI复合气凝胶仍具有紧密的三维多孔网络结构。与rGO-PANI气凝胶电极复合材料相比,CNF-rGO/PANI气凝胶电极复合材料具有更理想的电容行为。当CNF与GO质量比为60:40,聚苯胺(PANI)添加量为0.1mol时,CNF60-rGO/PANI1气凝胶电极复合材料比电容可达85.9 F·g-1,且其电化学性能几乎不受弯曲程度的影响,展现出了良好的柔韧性和电化学性能。


Abstract: CNF-rGO composite hydrogel was prepared by ascorbic acid reduction of CNF-GO composite hydrogel which was obtained from cellulose nanofiber (CNF) with high aspect ratio and GO with nanosheet. By freeze-drying CNF-rGO composite aerogel was obtained. By the in situ polymerization of aniline monomer CNF-rGO/PANI composite aerogels as flexible electrode materials was prepared. The effects of different dosage mass ratio of aniline, CNF and rGO on the morphology, structure and electrochemical properties of CNF-rGO/PANI aerogels electrode composites were studied. The results show that the CNF-rGO/PANI composite aerogels still have relatively close 3D network structure after in situ polymerization of aniline. Compared with rGO-PANI aerogel eletrode composites, the CNF-rGO/PANI aerogel eletrode composites have more excellent capacitance behavior. When the mass ratio of CNF and GO was 60:40(mg:mg) and the amount of Polyaniline (PANI) was 0.1molthe specific capacitance of the CNF-rGO/PANI1 aerogel electrode composites is 85.9 F·g-1, and its electrochemical properties are hardly affected by bending degree. So, the CNF-rGO/PANI aerogel eletrode composites show good electrochemical performance and excellent flexibility.

Keywords: flexible electrode composites; cellulose nanofiber; polyaniline; graphene; composite aerogels

作者:刘馨月等,有色金属及材料加工新技术教育部重点实验室 桂林理工大学 材料科学与工程学院 桂林

通讯作者:刘红霞,有色金属及材料加工新技术教育部重点实验室 桂林理工大学 材料科学与工程学院 桂林


来源:CSCM_OFFICE 中国复合材料学会





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