
中国复合材料学会  |   2018-12-12 01:21




Abstract: In order to improve the friction and wear properties of epoxy resin(EP) matrix composites and prepare low-cost EP wear resistant materials, SiO2 nano-particles and bamboo fibers (BF) were used as fillers to prepare Nano SiO2-BF/EP composites. The friction and wear tester, dynamic thermomechanical analyzer and scanning electron microscopy were used to study the effect of nanoparticles and fibers on the wear resistancethermodynamic properties and microstructure of the composites. The results show that after adding BF alone, the volumetric wear of BF/EP is significantly reduced by 71% compared with the pure EP under the same conditions; At the same time, the addition of Nano SiO2 and BF has a significant effect on the glass transition temperature and wear volume of Nano SiO2-BF/EP. The glass transition temperature is 11℃ higher than that of pure EP, reaching 124℃. The volumetric wear is about 75.3% lower than that of the pure EP under the same conditions.

Keywords: epoxy resin; bamboo fiber; nanoparticles; composites; thermodynamic properties; wear resistance properties

作者:王春红等,天津工业大学 纺织学院,天津

通讯作者:王春红,天津工业大学 纺织学院,天津


来源:CSCM_OFFICE 中国复合材料学会



