IEEE PEAC'2018 精彩抢先看 | 专题讲座介绍(八)

中国电源学会  |   2018-09-28 01:02

往期精选:第二届国际电力电子技术与应用会议暨展示会 (IEEE PEAC 2018)报名通知

IEEE PEAC 2018 简介

2018国际电力电子技术及应用会议暨展示会(2018 IEEE International Power Electronics and Application Conference and Exposition,简称:IEEE PEAC 2018)将于2018年11月4-7日在深圳召开,会议将通过特邀大会报告、专题讲座、技术报告、工业报告、墙报、新产品展示等形式,汇聚国际一流的电力电子学术、研发和产业界人士,就国际最新学术和技术问题进行专题研讨和交流。会议录用来自31个国家和地区的论文超过500篇,预计参会规模650人以上


会议内容丰富、环节紧密,为使参会者对会议有详细的了解,我们将对于会议的各个环节陆续进行介绍。本期介绍内容为:专题讲座-Opportunities and Design Considerations for GaN HEMTs in Industrial and Automotive Applications。



Opportunities and Design Considerations for GaN HEMTs in Industrial and Automotive Applications

Juncheng (Lucas) Lu, GaN Systems Inc.


GaN HEMT has been a focus in both academia and industry, due to the extremely low figure of merits (RDS(on) x QG) compared with conventional Silicon counterparts. The opportunities, challenges and design considerations for GaN HEMTs in industrial and automotive applications will be presented in the device/packaging and system perspectives.  Design examples are detailed to show how the system performance maximization is enabled by GaN HEMTs with minimum cost in the selected applications. The key design procedures will be thoroughly discussed, i.e. topology selection, loss analysis, cost reduction, power stage layout, thermal design and etc.

This tutorial is aimed to covering the fundamentals as well as the latest research and updates of GaN HEMTs applications. The target audience are the design engineers, researchers, graduate/undergraduate students interested in industrial/automotive applications or just GaN technology.


Juncheng Lu received B.S. degree from Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China, and M.S. degree from Kettering University, Michigan, USA. He was a research engineer with Delta Power Electronics Center, Shanghai, China. Since 2016, he has been with GaN Systems, Inc., Ottawa, Canada. His research interest is wide band gap devices application, power electronics packaging, high power density power supply, and electrical vehicle battery charger. He published more than 20 IEEE/SAE transaction and conference papers and holds 8 U.S. Patents / 2 U.S. patents pending.






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来源:CPSSQQ 中国电源学会





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