2Synthetic topological defects and synthetic spaces in ultracold atoms
报告人:Qi Zhou, Purdue University
In this talk, I will discuss how to engineer laser-atom interactions for creating synthetic topological defects and synthetic spaces. Engineered couplings between internal states of ultracold atoms have allowed experimentalists to deliver a Yang monopole in laboratories. I will show that interactions lead to topological defects beyond the descriptions of single particle physics. Discrete defects may even be turned into continuous ones, a new type of “more is different” phenomena. If time allows, I will discuss a recent progress towards creating synthetic curved spaces.
3Two indices Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev model
报告人:Jinwu Ye,首都师范大学
地点:Conference Room 322, ITP main building
We study the original Sachdev-Ye (SY) model in its Majorana fermion representation which can be called the two indices Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev (SYK) model. Its advantage over the original SY model in the $ SU(M) $ complex fermion representation is that it need no local constraints, so a $1/M $ expansion can be more easily performed. Its advantage over the 4 indices Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev (SYK) model is that it has only two site indices $ J_{ij} $ instead of four indices $ J_{ijkl} $, so it may fit the bulk string theory better.
4Low dimensional hybrids and their novel gate-tunable quantum properties
Electrostatic gate tuning of quantum properties has been the key of mesoscopic physics. Especially,when the thickness of a system become negligible (i.e., the 2D limit), Coulomb screening is strongly suppressed and thus gate tuning can directly affect/shift its Fermi level, leading to a tremendous variety of emerging phenomena.In this talk, we will first go through our previous works on quantum properties of the 2D materials/hBoron-Nitride nano-hybrid systems.Our recent studies on the electro-static gate tuning of an intrinsic ferromagnetic semiconductor in the 2D limit will also be discussed. We expect that artificial nano-hybrids and their quantum properties can be expanded into many research areas that are important for both fundamental studies and future applications.
5Alternative battery concepts beyond “standard Li-ion”: Examples on sodium-ion batteries, solid-state batteries and a surprise on sulfur
报告人:Philipp Adelhelm
The rising demand for rechargeable batteries for electric vehicles and grid storage applications causes a lot of interest on alternatives to “standard Li-ion battery technology”. Major motivations are also directed towards using more low cost components and/or improving safety. Important concepts that are currently studied are sodium-ion batteries, solid state batteries as well as metal-chalcogen batteries (metal-oxygen and metal-sulfur).
6Star Formation, Gas, and Dust in CANDELS Galaxies
报告人:Sandra Faber,UCSC
The CANDELS survey on the Hubble Space Telescope has produced high-quality photometric information from the far-UV to the near-IR that can be used to measure star-formation rates and reddening. This talk will compare the CANDELS star-formation rates to IR values and summarize the variation versus redshift, stellar mass, and galaxy radius. The resulting rates will then be used to deduce total gas content using the Schmidt-Kennicutt law. Dust predictions are generated from these gas masses, which are then compared to observed reddening from the SEDs. Much more dust is predicted than inferred from SED reddening. The discrepancy can be resolved if most of the dust is sequestered in small, dense clumps and therefore has little effect on the integrated light.
7The Radiation Mechanism of Fast Radio Bursts
报告人:Wenbin Lu,California Institute of Technology
地点:KIAA-PKU Auditorium
Fast radio bursts (FRBs) are bright millisecond-duration transient events, first detected at ~GHz frequencies by the Parkes Telescope. There are about ten thousand bright (> 1 Jy ms) FRBs per day coming from random directions across the entire sky. One source discovered by the Arecibo Telescope, FRB 121102, was found to generate numerous bursts. This allowed follow-up observations to pin-point its host galaxy, which is at a distance of ~1 Gpc. The high brightness temperatures (> 1e35 K) of FRBs mean that the emission process must be coherent. We use the observed properties of the repeater FRB 121102 to constrain the plasma conditions for a wide variety of coherent emission processes.
1 物理学咬文嚼字之一百:万物皆旋(上)
2. X射线自由电子激光单颗粒成像研究
3. X射线自由电子激光
4. 超导“小时代”之三十四:铁器新时代
5. 二胡音色的定量分析和一种改进方案
6. 云量子计算求解原子核问题
7. 周末大家谈——我和物理所
8. 忆阻器研究新进展:基于二维材料的可耐受超高温忆阻器
9. 寂静春天里的动力学(上)
10. 一种充满惊喜的二维材料
来源:cpsjournals 中国物理学会期刊网