
中国化工学会  |   2020-06-11 09:36


近日,《德国应用化学》(Angewandte ChemieInternational Edition)杂志在线发表(just accepted)作者Tomas Hudlicky的观点文章。该文中多处涉及性别歧视、种族歧视等不当言论,尤其对中国在有机合成化学领域的工作进行了不负责任的评判及诋毁。作为中国化工领域学术团体,中国化工学会坚决反对作者观点以及《德国应用化学》杂志对该文章的刊发以及传播。中国化学和化工科技工作者一直以来致力于为化学和化工学科的发展不懈奋斗,为世界化学化工学术发展做出了值得尊敬的贡献。中国化学化工科技人员坚决反对种族主义和性别歧视;坚决反对别有用心的“学者”对中国化学化工科技工作者的诋毁及伤害。中国化工学会对作者TomasHudlicky予以强烈谴责,并希望《德国应用化学》采取严格措施,确保此类事件不再发生。我们倡议国际化学化工学术界秉持科学精神,坚定科学多元化的立场,尤其在当前全球面临重大挑战,需要同呼吸共命运的特殊时刻,坚持科学界的友好沟通,增进理解和合作,共同为建立人类命运共同体而做出努力。                                                         中国化工学会                               2020年6月10日

Declaration from Chemical Industry and Engineering Society of China


Angewandte Chemie International Edition recently published (Just Accepted) an opinion essay by Tomas Hudlicky. The paper contains inappropriate remarks that constitute racial and gender discrimination, especially the irresponsible judgement and slander on the work of Chinese scientists in the field of organic synthetic chemistry.

As an academic society inchemical engineering in China, the Chemical Industry and Engineering Society of China (CIESC) is completely and firmly opposed to the author's opinion as well as to the publication and dissemination of this article by Angewandte Chemie International Edition.

Chinese chemical scientists and engineers, being committed to the development of chemistry and the chemical industry, have made remarkable contributions to the academic development of chemical engineering in the world. Chinese chemical scientists and engineers are firmly opposed to racism and gender discrimination, and to the slander and harm of ill-intentioned "scholars" to Chinese chemical scientists and engineers.

CIESC strongly condemns the author Tomas Hudlicky and demands Angewandte Chemie International Editionto take strict measures to make sure this will not happen again. We propose that the international academic community of chemistry and chemical industry uphold the scientific spirit, stand firm for diversification in the scientific community, and hails friendly communication, especially at such a specialmoment when the whole world is facing major challenges, which calls for all of us to breathe the same breath and share the same future, to enhance understanding and cooperation, and to make joint efforts on building acommunity with a shared future for mankind.

来源:CIESC1922 中国化工学会





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