
植物科学最前沿  |   2020-05-10 09:25



About the Journal of Plant Physiology:CiteScore: 3.33 Impact Factor: 2.825 5-Year Impact Factor: 3.236 
Call for papers:
Calcium in Plants: Functions and Mechanisms
In plants, calcium is the third most abundant element after nitrogen and potassium. Calcium plays significant roles in plant growth and development as well as in adaptation to the diverse environments. Extracellular Ca2+ is critical in maintaining cell wall structure and function. Extracellular Ca2+ controls the stability and permeability of the plasma membrane through modulating its lipid compositions and retaining the functional integrity of the ion transporters. Plant plasma membranes have developed sophisticated sensing mechanisms to decode the dynamics of extracellular Ca2+. It is well documented that the cytoplasmic Ca2+ function as a second messenger mediating cellular responses to both external and internal clues. However, Ca2+ function is largely unknown in other subcellular organelles, such as mitochondria, Golgi, endoplasmic reticulum and nuclei.Ca2+ uptake and its re-distribution in cells depend on Ca2+ transporters that are distinct in binding affinity, flux direction, and energy utilization. Once entering into plants, Ca2+ binds to an array of Ca2+-binding proteins which in turn activate the downstream signaling cascade. Given the fact that it is the Ca2+ redistribution and the transient rise in Ca2+contents but not the absolute content that confers calcium function, deciphering the mysteries of calcium functions depends largely on in vivoCa2+ assay techniques that are time and concentration sensitive. Moreover, calcium contents in vegetable foods contribute largely to both human and livestock calcium nutrition. Both genetic approaches and agronomic practices have been taken to increase biological availability of calcium in crops, fruits and vegetables.We hope this Online Subject Collection would furnish the need of all those who are working or have interest in calcium functions in plants. We are inviting plant scientists to contribute their studies in the form of Original Papers, Short Communications, Perspectives and Invited Reviews. Detailed formats can be found at Guild for Authors of the Journal.Intention to be listed in this Online Subject Collection should be indicated in the Cover Letter. All articles will be peer-reviewed. Each accepted article will be published immediately after acceptance in the next available volume. All the published articles will be listed together on the Online Subject Collection web page.
Overseeing editor: Quan-Sheng Qiu, Lanzhou University, School of Life Sciences, Lanzhou, China, e-mail: qiush@lzu.edu.cnGuest editor: Zhi Qi, Inner Mongolia University, School of Life Sciences, Hohhot, China, e-mail: qizhi@imu.edu.cn
Deadline for manuscript submissions: October 1st, 2020.
More Information:https://www.journals.elsevier.com/journal-of-plant-physiology/call-for-papers/calcium-in-plants-functions-and-mechanisms

来源:frontiersin 植物科学最前沿





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