
中国生物化学与分子生物学会  |   2020-03-18 22:19



(南京大学生命科学学院, 南京210023)

摘要  生物化学是生命科学中最重要的基础专业课程之一。欲使教师讲好它,学生学好并非易事。在学生中经常流传着一句“生理生化,必有一挂”的口头禅,足见学生学习生物化学的难度。本文结合笔者在南京大学讲授生物化学25年多的实践及成功经验,与同行们分享生物化学的教学技巧和策略,如何上好第一次课,如何激发学生学习生物化学的兴趣,如何在教学中培养学生的科学思维,如何把传统课堂教学的手段与其他新型的教学方式结合,如何开展和组织“第二课堂”活动等,希望它们对同行们的生物化学教学有所启发和帮助。

关键词  生物化学;教学;技巧;策略

Practical Tips and Strategies for Teaching Biochemistry

YANG Rong-Wu*

(School of Life Sciences, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210023, China)

Abstract  Teaching biochemistry well is not an easy job for teachers and learning biochemistry well is also not an easy task for students. Just as many students often complain, they virtually always fail in either physiology or biochemistry. I have been teaching biochemistry at Nanjing University for over 25 years and been very successful in my biochemistry-teaching career. In this article, I will introduce many firsthand practical tips and strategies on how to teach biochemistry well, from giving the first lecture to last lecture, from how to arouse the students’ interest in studying biochemistry to how to promote the students’ scientific thinking, from how to combine advanced teaching methods with traditional teaching methods to how to combine classic biochemistry with latest biochemical developments, from the main classroom teaching to organization of extracurricular activities as the second classroom, and so on. These tips and strategies are proven very useful and then can be followed by other fellow teachers. Hopefully, they can help many professors improve their skills for teaching biochemistry.

Key words  biochemistry; teaching; tips; strategy 


来源:CJBMB-web 中国生物化学与分子生物学报web





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